I liked the post a lot...Enjoyed some of the literary allusions and was totally lost on others...Found at least one typo and was reminded of my high school teacher (a Benedictine priest no less) yelling to us "We shall have no internecine strife..."

One other point: We were told by the county attorney that as public officials we could not legally block readers....What a crock of caca! Let's do lunch soon...

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Oye. Just realized which Suárez this was. :)

Always happy to fix typos.

Re: lunch, let me finally get to Miami...

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I've had to subscribe a couple of times...maybe the system is blocking me...ha!

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enjoyed the read, thanks. i hope you're wrong and we can go back to some baseline cultural consensus, but it's trending in the wrong direction.

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I do too!

And yet....

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