Regarding the organ harvesting example: I don't think it's necessary to reduce the objections to organ harvesting to a metaphysical level any more than any other banal value judgement (e.g. whether I think burning my hand is “good” or “bad”). Just as I naturally repel from putting my hand into a fire, I find it uncomfortable to think tha…
Regarding the organ harvesting example: I don't think it's necessary to reduce the objections to organ harvesting to a metaphysical level any more than any other banal value judgement (e.g. whether I think burning my hand is “good” or “bad”). Just as I naturally repel from putting my hand into a fire, I find it uncomfortable to think that a friend, or myself, may ever fall victim to forced organ harvesting. Insofar as the state is effective at preventing these cases I support legislation banning it, even at a hypothetical net cost to total societal well-being, just as I would likely refuse burning my hand for 10 minutes straight even if it yielded me a million dollars and net me more well-being in the long term.
The same chemical processes that produce the first reaction produce the second. Saying that a position regarding organ harvesting or slavery *has* to derive from some higher metaphysical position is equivalent, for a materialist, to saying that me not liking the pain associated with my hand burning also derives from some metaphysical view at the root.
Regarding the organ harvesting example: I don't think it's necessary to reduce the objections to organ harvesting to a metaphysical level any more than any other banal value judgement (e.g. whether I think burning my hand is “good” or “bad”). Just as I naturally repel from putting my hand into a fire, I find it uncomfortable to think that a friend, or myself, may ever fall victim to forced organ harvesting. Insofar as the state is effective at preventing these cases I support legislation banning it, even at a hypothetical net cost to total societal well-being, just as I would likely refuse burning my hand for 10 minutes straight even if it yielded me a million dollars and net me more well-being in the long term.
The same chemical processes that produce the first reaction produce the second. Saying that a position regarding organ harvesting or slavery *has* to derive from some higher metaphysical position is equivalent, for a materialist, to saying that me not liking the pain associated with my hand burning also derives from some metaphysical view at the root.
Does it mean that life is a meaningless path from the maternity ward to the crematorium? Well, no: