Really appreciate you continuing to mine this vein. I thought about subscribing after "The Holy Church of Christ Without Christ", and decided to take the plunge after seeing your interview with Holland. Your thoughts on the deeply Christian nature of the secular West comport with my intuitions, but they're substantially deeper and better…
Really appreciate you continuing to mine this vein. I thought about subscribing after "The Holy Church of Christ Without Christ", and decided to take the plunge after seeing your interview with Holland. Your thoughts on the deeply Christian nature of the secular West comport with my intuitions, but they're substantially deeper and better informed. I feel like I'm learning, reading you, which is always fun.
Anyway, thanks for being one of a relatively few authors to seriously engage with religion, both in societal as well as personal terms. (I missed the post asking for reader preferences, but if you're still taking requests, reflections on your conversion continue to be a source of interest.) You're doing great work in what feels like an underpopulated space; even just surfacing Holland as someone to read was a service. Thanks again!
Really appreciate you continuing to mine this vein. I thought about subscribing after "The Holy Church of Christ Without Christ", and decided to take the plunge after seeing your interview with Holland. Your thoughts on the deeply Christian nature of the secular West comport with my intuitions, but they're substantially deeper and better informed. I feel like I'm learning, reading you, which is always fun.
Anyway, thanks for being one of a relatively few authors to seriously engage with religion, both in societal as well as personal terms. (I missed the post asking for reader preferences, but if you're still taking requests, reflections on your conversion continue to be a source of interest.) You're doing great work in what feels like an underpopulated space; even just surfacing Holland as someone to read was a service. Thanks again!
Thanks for reading!