"Only a country whose amnesiac memory is unsullied by existential ethnic violence thinks it wise to solve issues of racism by feverishly heightening feelings of either unforgivable blame or angry victimhood."
This is very insightful. Similarly, for the last 20 years I have been telling anyone who would listen that America's constant bipar…
"Only a country whose amnesiac memory is unsullied by existential ethnic violence thinks it wise to solve issues of racism by feverishly heightening feelings of either unforgivable blame or angry victimhood."
This is very insightful. Similarly, for the last 20 years I have been telling anyone who would listen that America's constant bipartisan enthusiasm for making war in foreign countries is down to our nation never having been bombed from the skies.
The left in this country so likes to revisit fascist propaganda from the 30s and compare it to rhetoric now.
Well, go read what Milosevic and his buddies were telling the Serbs about their historical victimhood in order to get them to shoot Bosnian civilians and how that compares to some rhetoric now....
"Only a country whose amnesiac memory is unsullied by existential ethnic violence thinks it wise to solve issues of racism by feverishly heightening feelings of either unforgivable blame or angry victimhood."
This is very insightful. Similarly, for the last 20 years I have been telling anyone who would listen that America's constant bipartisan enthusiasm for making war in foreign countries is down to our nation never having been bombed from the skies.
The left in this country so likes to revisit fascist propaganda from the 30s and compare it to rhetoric now.
Well, go read what Milosevic and his buddies were telling the Serbs about their historical victimhood in order to get them to shoot Bosnian civilians and how that compares to some rhetoric now....