Do you think there’ll be some element where users with wallets voluntarily self-publish their off app data on chain, in exchange for either unique content, or higher social status, inside distributed apps?

The rough vision I had was that an auction mechanism would be run on either chain or by advertisers theme selves, instead of via by content delivery companies. Then, feeds would include mixtures of ads and organic content, with the ad bounties paid mostly direct to users.

That seems like it solves this “if you aren’t the user, you’re the product” problem. People aren’t going to make themselves more legible unless the rewards are tangible and real. Twitter and other social networks are in this position to monetize the value of the status they create.

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Very interesting.

Do you envision (let's say the V1 of) this system to serve primarily on Web 2 media or Web 3 media?

It would seem that in order to siphon users from Web 2 it would need to serve on Web 2 media. Wed 2 media / user attention today is monopolized by gated publisher platforms and tech giants. So for this to work does it require the Google/FB/Twitters of the world to use this system to serve ads (and why would they)?

As a Web 3 -> Web 3 ads system (or as a precondition for economically viable Web 3 media to exist) I get it. The Web 2 -> Web 3 part seems fussier

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Also - this might be a naive question but for that head of APAC buying FB ads, assuming it's a browser game, why can't they measure their CAC via the standard pixel?

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They could! But they'd have to fire it in game at the appropriate point. And presumably pass along chain-related state--value of the NFT, or whatever else the user did--to FB.

But yes, you could kludge it.

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kk. For on-chain events I can imagine a world where advertisers don't need to do any instrumentation and attribution will just work (and that will be wonderful). For off-chain events (which as you rightly argue are also important) I guess I haven't grasped how a web3 advertiser is fundamentally different from a web2 advertiser (who also need to instrument events etc).

The bit that gets me excited about the intersection of web3 and ads is does it open the door to a better agent of the user in terms of representing their preferences for what data can be used by whom for what purposes and giving that control into the hands of the user, instead of today being hypocritically represented by their device / browser vendors

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Yes, for v1 of such a system, you don't need device-side SDKs that track attribution events...you can use existing (clunky) tooling around chain querying to get most of what you need.

Re: the future of web 3 and data privacy, it's not clear who would emerge as the obvious user champion. Most (normie) users won't care enough to bother (as they don't in web 2), but someone in the stack will offer privacy as a product (even if only for marketing purposes).

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While reading this I kept thinking to myself that blockchain-based technologies aren't going to be competitive unless they can solve their efficiency problems. Gas fees are a symptom of inefficiency.

Then it occurred to me that inefficiency will mostly not matter in a world with cheaper energy.

Capital costs of computer equipment are dwarfed by energy costs. For the biggest tech companies how much power they can pull from utilities is the constraint on how much computing power they can deploy. Buildings sit half empty for lack of available power.

A fusion breakthrough be the thing that enables Web 3 to work for most people.

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I really think web3 is being forced on us. I’m sure blockchain might have some practical use down the line, but I don’t think it’s the next iteration of the web. This is all fomo talk from the technorati. We’re headed for some kind of augmented reality with smaller wearables—probably leading to implanted chips. A few generations from now will look back at the primitive ways we fried our brains with alcohol and pharmaceuticals. Every kind of human emotion or experience will be a click away. And you can take those trips either ad free or sponsored.

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Things you've done well

- Ride your jeep across the country to raise awareness of crypto

- Make the attention economy as metaphorically simple as the fishing industry (fish -> fishermen -> fish broker -> distributor -> distributor -> grocery store -> your plate )

Things I wanna see more of:

- A deeper dissection of the token mechanics for attention versus creators if not confidential. Creators do shout outs for brands at a snails pace to ad auctions.

- How could this reduce digital marketing overhead for small businesses? Ad auctions aside, web3 is an interface for deals with creators. If attribution works, shouldn't they get the same return from less cost? Will this help your local Forbes 500 milk company that uses a pure javascript website from 2010?

- How to make open, efficient, advertising, not privacy invasive.. Hmm maybe creator is the keyword. Cookies are a tax on lurkers for the privilege of the web. Creators get paid since anything fully visible to the internet is fair game and they forfeit privacy in exchange for remuneration. Hmm cached keyword detection models, cached image detection, caching all the principles of influence.


If what your writing raises this many questions, it's a sign it's really good not criticism.

edit: so it sounds like your company is on helping web3 companies with ad management. raises different questions.

Amazon, Google, Apple, Meta... it's always about the friggin advertising.

Great article!

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Totally agree that social/creator economy fueled by as revenue is the high slope to mass adoption. I just wrote 2 article about exactly this on my SS

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> Few tech giants of the past have ever been unseated from their dominance via competition alone: Microsoft never lost the desktop, Google never lost search, Twitter has never lost the public square, Amazon will never lose e-commerce, and Apple will never lose mobile devices.

Notable via absence is the big tech company most frequently accused of being a monopoly, despite, in reality, being the big tech that has continually faced relentless competition.

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How about we name it "DecAd" (Dehk-ad) ?

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I like where this is going.

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> we discovered there were roughly four devices for every Facebook user ID

Out of curiousity, did you ever figure out general profiles for what the devices tended to be? 3 is easy - home computer, work computer, personal phone. I guess the fourth is likely a combination of work phones and “whatever random computer people tended to log in on additionally”?

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