What is the value proposition of a web3 attribution ledger over say a web2 MMP?
One obvious answer is decentralized trust between the participating parties of attribution. However in my observation trust between ad platforms, attribution providers and advertisers have never been a first order problem urgently in need of solving - in the w…
What is the value proposition of a web3 attribution ledger over say a web2 MMP?
One obvious answer is decentralized trust between the participating parties of attribution. However in my observation trust between ad platforms, attribution providers and advertisers have never been a first order problem urgently in need of solving - in the web2 status quo ad platforms have no real way to verify MMP's attribution logic, MMPs have no real way to verify attribution claims from self attributing ad networks, advertisers have no real way to verify either, yet the system chugged along just fine with this notion of trust that is based much more on reputation than verification. One could argue that Apple ATT / SKAdNetwork (and soon Android privacy sandbox) took this to the extreme as they have become the ultimate, one and only attribution provider that other players have to trust unconditionally. SKAdNetwork has been (rightly) criticized from a thousand angles, but lack of trust in the system doing what it claims to do is not one that I have heard.
The primary driving force in the ads attribution game, IMO, is consumer attitude and choice towards what data is ok to be tracked vs not - this is what has been weaponized and manipulated so successfully by Apple in recent years to the tune of nuking the entire industry while still being perceived as the good buys in the eyes of the average consumer.
My hunch is web3 attribution has a future if and only if it can offer a sufficiently compelling value proposition to consumers such that they are willing to opt their data back into the ads machinery (or into the new web3 ads machinery if it looks very different from the current)
One obvious possibility for achieving so is paying users for their data - which is a flawed idea for reasons that you've written about.
Another is hoping that users will en mass come to appreciate the intrinsic value of a decentralized attribution architecture / ad ecosystem - BTC > fiat currency, by the same token web3 attribution > fiat attribution. It would seem that this requires web3 succeeding as a cultural movement first.
What are other possibilities?
P.S. I work on ads at one of the companies you mentioned above. Pretty fascinated by your explorations in this area. If you are interested, more than happy to bounce some ideas
What is the value proposition of a web3 attribution ledger over say a web2 MMP?
One obvious answer is decentralized trust between the participating parties of attribution. However in my observation trust between ad platforms, attribution providers and advertisers have never been a first order problem urgently in need of solving - in the web2 status quo ad platforms have no real way to verify MMP's attribution logic, MMPs have no real way to verify attribution claims from self attributing ad networks, advertisers have no real way to verify either, yet the system chugged along just fine with this notion of trust that is based much more on reputation than verification. One could argue that Apple ATT / SKAdNetwork (and soon Android privacy sandbox) took this to the extreme as they have become the ultimate, one and only attribution provider that other players have to trust unconditionally. SKAdNetwork has been (rightly) criticized from a thousand angles, but lack of trust in the system doing what it claims to do is not one that I have heard.
The primary driving force in the ads attribution game, IMO, is consumer attitude and choice towards what data is ok to be tracked vs not - this is what has been weaponized and manipulated so successfully by Apple in recent years to the tune of nuking the entire industry while still being perceived as the good buys in the eyes of the average consumer.
My hunch is web3 attribution has a future if and only if it can offer a sufficiently compelling value proposition to consumers such that they are willing to opt their data back into the ads machinery (or into the new web3 ads machinery if it looks very different from the current)
One obvious possibility for achieving so is paying users for their data - which is a flawed idea for reasons that you've written about.
Another is hoping that users will en mass come to appreciate the intrinsic value of a decentralized attribution architecture / ad ecosystem - BTC > fiat currency, by the same token web3 attribution > fiat attribution. It would seem that this requires web3 succeeding as a cultural movement first.
What are other possibilities?
P.S. I work on ads at one of the companies you mentioned above. Pretty fascinated by your explorations in this area. If you are interested, more than happy to bounce some ideas